Our Grandson Landon Josiah was born on March 13, 2012. Jim and I are Head Over Heels in love with this little one. I arrived in Texas at the beginning of March, helped Jasmine's friend Mara with the baby shower on March 3rd and 10 days later little Landon decided to make his entrance into the world. A week early. After that is all a blur. I was able to stay in Texas for a month to help out before I headed back to Georgia.

Jasmine is doing fine after a very long labor of 36 hours! I was lucky enough to be in the delivery room when he was born.

She and Jason are thrilled with their new little one as are Talon and Savanah to have a baby brother.
I must have taken a couple thousand photos while I was there, but can only share a few because I'm using Jim's laptop - a PC no less (I'm a complete MAC addict) - and it takes me forever to post a blog entry.
Photos: Ryannan Bryer de Hickman