Our youngest daughter, her sweetheart and his two adorable children decided to relocate from Honolulu, Hawaii to Austin, Texas. We are thrilled to have her back on the mainland after almost 10 years away, but we were a little anxious about a major move in this economic climate. Both Jason and Jessie Jasmine gave up great jobs in Hawaii to relocate. Great jobs and health insurance! Jasmine has a childhood illness that requires regular EKG's and numerous other tests to monitor her heart. She also has to take antibiotic and B-12 injections every 30 days. My worries have been for naught. Both are talented in their respective fields. They hit the ground running and landed jobs right away. Jasmine is working as a therapist in a clinic for children with autism and will also be pursuing her Masters and then her PhD. Jason, a Musician, IT and Sound Engineer has fit right in with the Austin music scene. An added bonus is that we now have grandchildren! Thirteen year old Talon and nine year old Savanah have stolen our hearts.

Photography By: Ryannan Bryer de Hickman
Sotto Il Monte Vineyards